Monday, July 20, 2009

Commited today, dead tomorrow

I’m making a commitment today. Now that I work a relatively more regular hour job, I suppose I have more time in hand to update this place – not that I have a lot to say, but heck – why not? I will attempt to keep this place active….. =)

Yes, I have changed job yet again. No, I am not a job hopper, nor am I trying to prove something. For some reason I am creating that impression. Working in Grey Worldwide is a complete culture shock for me. Coming from a super unorganized events company that name itself Nasty Inc – it’s not much of a surprise. But I AM finding it rather difficult to cope. It’s slow and yet fast pace in there. Half the time I am caught off guard of the initiatives progress because emails just comes flying in like there’s no need for server tax.

For I am grateful though to be given the opportunity work on a regional account, not many is as lucky. The creative team is awesome – they are like a bunch of civilized monkeys! They talk very diplomatically, they are not crazy nor are they sane, they don’t argue much with clients and they don’t screw you for not knowing anything – they just put the blame on your boss simply because they don’t like her. Hell…I don’t mind that, who would right?

Speaking of bosses, my current boss is a lady boss. Knowing lady bosses, they can be quite a pain. I am yet to decide but according to everyone who had worked with her and still works with her, she is a….in a more constructive manner, a Tai Chi Master. Oh no, if you think I’m going to blog about how sucky my boss is, you are wrong! Like I said, I haven’t quite yet decided….1st impression still stays…..for now~

The past 1 month of so, things have been looking up. Highlight was of course Darshini’s wedding. I still can’t believe she got married though. Have not seen her in 2 years, and when I finally saw her on her hen’s night, I completely forgotten what I wanted to tell her –it’s like my train of thoughts just went into some invincible tunnel that had no ends, but then again, there’s no need for words. I was just happy to see her and hug her for real. Deb was back too for her birthday (which I completely forgotten) and Dar’s wedding. A very long way just for a wedding – that’s what friends are for I suppose. I miss her heaps too, more then she thinks at least.

All in all, it was a very happy occasion for all of us. Bebe & Ashley were a joy to have around too. The two and their weird antics is what brighten up everyone’s day. Although we only manage to spend THAT much time together, I believe each and everyone one of us truly enjoyed each other’s company (at least I did)

Pictures speaks louder than words aight?