Lately I’m into hiking and I just can’t stop! It all started with the Waterfall Camp up north. I had heaps of fun sitting at the back of the 4x4 going on bumpy roads, crossing streams into the camp site. Nevermind the numb-sensation on my ass after that 40 mins ride.
The camp site wasn’t all that fantastic, rocky landing…making tents on it was almost impossible. Camp was just next to the stream, where we swam, bath, cook, wash up and well…..answer nature’s call.
While we were there we met a bunch of strangers on 4x4 who camped next to us. When I say 4x4 – I meant the REAL 4x4 – equipped with suspension, pulley, giant wheels and all. Luckily they weren’t a bunch of old farts – quite a mixed group too – age wise. Met this guy name Damian who showed me how fun it could be, ramping into the stream and drive up muddy hills with a 4x4…it was soooo fun!!! The 4x4 actually can go up and down a 80degree cliff – something I did not know till ..well, now! *No, I don’t watch much TV either!
From that camp on, a new passion was found. Camping & Hiking!
I’ve always liked them, but it’s just that I have not done it for the longest time because most of my friends are happy in the comfort of their own gyms and occasional spa. I however, has never been cut off as a person who would pay shit load of $$ to go for spa when I can go for a thrill seeking adventure.
Like sex, once you get the taste of if – you keep wanting more!
I hiked up Broga Hill with my hommies, went to Bukit Gasing alone, ended up not climbing cos it rained. But because I am never satisfied – I kinda forced Melvin & Kuan Mei to go with me again just to make myself happy (Yes, I tend to do that too)
2 months or so back, I went for this 7 hours hike up to Cameron Highlands - which was like totally awesome! Did I mentioned TOTALLY?
6,000ft above sea level!
No sun!
Feeling the mist!
Gigantic roots!
Slimy green algae everywhere.
I was overwhelmed!
Hell, that place looks like the set from Lord of the Rings. It was almost magical. The climb started at about 7.30AM - half way through it started to pour but it was too late to turn back then so we pull over a poncho and continued our journey. 3½ hours up and there we were, overlooking the most amazing scenery one could ever imagine.
That night we stayed in Malaysia Nature Society (MNS) research camp site which is right smack in the middle of BOH tea plantation.
Also home to these 3 adorable little puppies.
That place was surprising well equipped – we cooked our dinner on our own, ate at the balcony/walkway while the 3 puppies running around entertaining themselves. I personally think they are just plain happy to see two legged-s around.