Wednesday, December 2, 2009

All About….Hair~

Dec marks the 6th month of me in Grey Global Business Unit. I am surprised that it has only been 6 months. It seems like I’ve been here for much much longer. To be frank, as much as I complain about work I am genuinely happy working here, but somethings gotta give…..

I have an awesome team working on Pantene account. My producers are the nicest in the industry. My clients are understanding and have heapssss of budget. I get to do lots of production work.( Back in BBDO, I only get to do print because TV productions are “seniors” portfolio – bullshit) I am fortunate to be working alongside with ASEAN Grey counterpart.

Of course I was skeptical at first - from a hip telco account to hair product? Even my mum wasn’t too sure. But skeptical as I am, I took up the position and with that one small step it opened up a window of opportunity for me. I have never seen hair in that light before! I’ve never been the hair-proud type and had always hated the typical hair shampoo ads. Little did I know, it is these typical executions which are the hardest to achieve.


You won’t believe the amount of words the hair industry people use to describe hair. If you think dry and damage is good enough, you are fooling yourself. Clients and agency can sit in a 2 hour long meeting just debating on hair condition. And terms that were used? Try to think along the lines of healthy, shinny, happy and juicy hair – Now you know why I am growing side-ways aight? Because discussing about hair makes me feel hungry!

And that one thing I absolutely love about working here is that they truly practice team work and client-agency partnership to the core. Even just an AE, we are given the opportunity to develop an idea together, clients seek our opinion on decision making, planners appreciates our input. In a simpler term, we have a say in everything…and our opinions matters!

But like I said, some things gotta give….and some opportunity rarely come by and it’s too irresistible to turn down so….with a heavy heart – I’m leaving Grey to embark on a completely new role in advertising =)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bimbo Auntie

Oh dear Lord for I have sin. But please do not turn me into a bimbo auntie when I grow up!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

7 Things

This entry comes bearing news. I guess I’m over the whole “I’m seeing someone” phrase la. At least I don’t refer him as “someone” random anymore. That’s a start isn’t it? Yes, I’m dating again….it sounds really weird coming from a 23 a going on 24 years old these days…

Yes, sure there’s a lot to blog about but I ain’t gonna do that and bore the life out of everyone. So I’m going to attempt to list down what I like about him;

  • He is the “Bro” type and not the “Macha” type – I’ve been thanking God for that.
  • He plays hide & seek with me in a supermarket – soo fun!
  • He is slightly taller which makes kissing perfect :x
  • He cooks!! I eat!! All is good!!
  • He suggested to change my “pundek” to “silly” – yes there were a debate on how it doesn’t fit into many many contexts and situations like;

- Someone rides a motorcycle right in the middle of your lane

“Oi Silly, move your ass” – NO

- Someone showed you a middle finger on the road

“Fuck you la silly” – NO NO

- Someone flash at you.

“Silly, you do that one more time my heels will go up your ass, you damn silly” NO NO NO

but hey…I found one classic replacement and its “Pusinica”

- Someone rides a motorcycle right in the middle of your lane

“Oi Pusinica, move your ass” – Well…’s ok cos pucsinica didn’t go to driving school

- Someone showed you a middle finger on the road

“Here…take this back you pucsinica” – This works too cos it’ll make the guy even more furious when you call him pucsinica.

P/s: FYI – Pusinica is not vulgar – it means either pumpkin or brinjal in Tamil

  • He uses Dentol sanitizers after each ciggie he takes so I won’t be walking around with an “ash tray” in hand. He also chews on gum on the way back home so I won’t be kissing an ashtray mascot when we say good night.
  • He makes me laugh every night before I go to bed =)

There see! I can write a 7 things song too! Move over Miley!! Hello Jasmine!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The date that went wrong

Honestly, I have not been in a proper relationship for the past 2 years – I felt almost like a lesbian. For the past 2 years , I was approached by a female gym instructor which was really odd, went out with this Malay dude for about 3 months or so which I honestly rather not blog about –AND the most recent one – I went out with this Chinese guy! Yes, that’s the first ever Chinese guy I went out with!! **I’m soo proud** the truth is, it actually went pretty well – movie – desert – dinner. But he was quite boring and I wasn’t showing any signs cos I wasn’t interested, but I enjoyed his company and thinks he could be a nice friend until he ruin it. Here’s the last 10 mins of our so-called date went;


Eric.........: Hey Jasmine, do you mind me asking you a personal question ?

Jasmine : Well, you’ve asked quite a number of personal questions, I doubt this would make any difference, so bring it on!

Eric.........: Please don’t take it the wrong way if I sound funny.

Jasmine : Ok…*eye brows raised*

Eric.........: Hmm…it doesn’t mean anything ok? I’m just curious – please don’t misunderstand me

Jasmine : Ooooo……kkkk…… *Getting impatient*

Eric.........: Are you NOT interested in guys?

Jasmine : Are you implying that I’m interested in girls?!

Eric.........: No…Yes….but No! I’m just curious.

Jasmine : Why would you say that?

Eric.........: I don’t’re very independent, you don’t seem to like guys, you’re always out and about, you dont talk about guys…..

Jasmine : Hmm……No, I don't think I am a lesbian.....yet~

Eric.........: Oh ok, sorry… *Gets the bill *



Monday, September 7, 2009

Confession of an angry girl who found peace

Yes – I have been a very angry person lately. Those who are in my Facebook would testify. Fine! I admit I might have abused that site as my platform to vent my frustration and anger and all that’s inside me but that was the only option I had, given the fact that I can’t scream and shout in the office.

Don’t get me wrong – I love my job! And NO, I did not say it with a heavy heart. It’s true….those who are in advertising would give anything to be part of the regional team. And having the title REGIONAL ACCOUNT – it also means we deal with heaps of people. There’s just one damn Aussie that I would really love to bitch about but I figured he is just not worth my time or space in my blog. He will however get his 5mins worth of fame in Animal News as the person who got himself caught in a kangaroo stampede or get into a really bad Koala fight!! One day….You’ll see!! **Now let’s all pray that God answers prayers*

But in the name of good faith, I’m bearing it. I know I can! I believe in the spirit of team work. So I’m standing tall, despite the screw ups – I’m just not ready to give up yet.

Grey is going to see a lot of me for now!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kung Fu Cyborg

Oh Yes…Trust the chinaman to come up with a future-tech movie and they will present you KUNGFU CYBORG!!!

What the hell! They are robots!!!! with Kung Fu??? Talk about Fusion

Friday, September 4, 2009

Miss Singapore 2009

Honestly - this is by far THE BEST JOKE OF THE YEAR!

Yes, coming from a person who name herseld RIS and has to think before answering question like "where are you studying now?"

Now...I have questionsss too!!
What on earth is Bimbotic?
Leooorrrpparrd pins? khaki gin?
Tall, honest brainy guy?? - Go date a tree!

Oh lord - Thank you for having people like Ris Low - they sure make me feel pretty darn smart!

Monday, August 24, 2009

A New Found Passion!

Lately I’m into hiking and I just can’t stop! It all started with the Waterfall Camp up north. I had heaps of fun sitting at the back of the 4x4 going on bumpy roads, crossing streams into the camp site. Nevermind the numb-sensation on my ass after that 40 mins ride.

The camp site wasn’t all that fantastic, rocky landing…making tents on it was almost impossible. Camp was just next to the stream, where we swam, bath, cook, wash up and well…..answer nature’s call.

While we were there we met a bunch of strangers on 4x4 who camped next to us. When I say 4x4 – I meant the REAL 4x4 – equipped with suspension, pulley, giant wheels and all. Luckily they weren’t a bunch of old farts – quite a mixed group too – age wise. Met this guy name Damian who showed me how fun it could be, ramping into the stream and drive up muddy hills with a 4x4…it was soooo fun!!! The 4x4 actually can go up and down a 80degree cliff – something I did not know till ..well, now! *No, I don’t watch much TV either!

From that camp on, a new passion was found. Camping & Hiking!

I’ve always liked them, but it’s just that I have not done it for the longest time because most of my friends are happy in the comfort of their own gyms and occasional spa. I however, has never been cut off as a person who would pay shit load of $$ to go for spa when I can go for a thrill seeking adventure.

Like sex, once you get the taste of if – you keep wanting more!

I hiked up Broga Hill with my hommies, went to Bukit Gasing alone, ended up not climbing cos it rained. But because I am never satisfied – I kinda forced Melvin & Kuan Mei to go with me again just to make myself happy (Yes, I tend to do that too)

2 months or so back, I went for this 7 hours hike up to Cameron Highlands - which was like totally awesome! Did I mentioned TOTALLY?

6,000ft above sea level!

No sun!


Feeling the mist!

Gigantic roots!

Slimy green algae everywhere.


I was overwhelmed!

Hell, that place looks like the set from Lord of the Rings. It was almost magical. The climb started at about 7.30AM - half way through it started to pour but it was too late to turn back then so we pull over a poncho and continued our journey. hours up and there we were, overlooking the most amazing scenery one could ever imagine.

That night we stayed in Malaysia Nature Society (MNS) research camp site which is right smack in the middle of BOH tea plantation.

Also home to these 3 adorable little puppies.

That place was surprising well equipped – we cooked our dinner on our own, ate at the balcony/walkway while the 3 puppies running around entertaining themselves. I personally think they are just plain happy to see two legged-s around.

Did I mention when you wake up all you see is this??

Imagine what would one give to have this as a backyard?