Tuesday, October 13, 2009

7 Things

This entry comes bearing news. I guess I’m over the whole “I’m seeing someone” phrase la. At least I don’t refer him as “someone” random anymore. That’s a start isn’t it? Yes, I’m dating again….it sounds really weird coming from a 23 a going on 24 years old these days…

Yes, sure there’s a lot to blog about but I ain’t gonna do that and bore the life out of everyone. So I’m going to attempt to list down what I like about him;

  • He is the “Bro” type and not the “Macha” type – I’ve been thanking God for that.
  • He plays hide & seek with me in a supermarket – soo fun!
  • He is slightly taller which makes kissing perfect :x
  • He cooks!! I eat!! All is good!!
  • He suggested to change my “pundek” to “silly” – yes there were a debate on how it doesn’t fit into many many contexts and situations like;

- Someone rides a motorcycle right in the middle of your lane

“Oi Silly, move your ass” – NO

- Someone showed you a middle finger on the road

“Fuck you la silly” – NO NO

- Someone flash at you.

“Silly, you do that one more time my heels will go up your ass, you damn silly” NO NO NO

but hey…I found one classic replacement and its “Pusinica”

- Someone rides a motorcycle right in the middle of your lane

“Oi Pusinica, move your ass” – Well…..it’s ok cos pucsinica didn’t go to driving school

- Someone showed you a middle finger on the road

“Here…take this back you pucsinica” – This works too cos it’ll make the guy even more furious when you call him pucsinica.

P/s: FYI – Pusinica is not vulgar – it means either pumpkin or brinjal in Tamil

  • He uses Dentol sanitizers after each ciggie he takes so I won’t be walking around with an “ash tray” in hand. He also chews on gum on the way back home so I won’t be kissing an ashtray mascot when we say good night.
  • He makes me laugh every night before I go to bed =)

There see! I can write a 7 things song too! Move over Miley!! Hello Jasmine!!!


  1. I've been catching up on the TV show "LOST" and Im on the show where Anna Lucia(my crush) gets it on with Sawyer. I commented that it was a total turn off, It was like walking in on your parents while they are getting it on.
    All this talk about you kissing your man has the same effect on me. hahahahahahahaha...
    I am still happy for you guys! All that I learned about him here - just adds to the good opinion I have of him. Although sometimes it sounds like I might not know who he is...Im guessing he is the same guy I added to my friends on FB a couple weeks ago.

  2. Yes Luis, it's the same person.....
    and you can't really judge him till you really know him would you ?? :p
