Monday, March 14, 2011

Speaking up on behalf of the barks and meows

Blog....such wonderful dying trend! But who the hell cares. Personal blogs kan untuk diri sendiri. =p

I just wanna say something about what has been happening here in Malaysia recently...and it is something particularly close to me. Animal abuse has been on the rise these days. It all started with the horrid video of the poodle who are beaten up because she can't stand on her hind legs for long... that sparked a nationwide hunt for this girl where everyone know by name and her 'boyfriend'. No, despite the outrage and countless hate pages on FB, they fail to locate the girl and the unidentified male in the video and like everything else, the news just went under the radar.

But that didn't stop there. Not too long after this video surfaced on almost all social networking sites - Tomboy killing kitten for shear joy/pleasure. In this case, the somehow manage to get the girl, or rather she surrendered to the police station wetting her panties claiming harassment.

That made it to front page news. Headline reads "Tomboy girl was stressed with parent's divorce" Gosh, can anyone be lamer. 3 things crossed my mind;

#1 No you will not be forgiven just because you came forward
#2 Why on earth do you have to blame it on your parents if you can't bloody handle stress. I bet your parents didn't teach you to de-stress by torturing animals do they?
#3 Oh Lord, she only need to pay RM100 for that crime??

That is like 1/3 of a speeding ticket! So if I am stress or I am some kind of sicko who wants to experience 'killing' all I have to do is - just do it and pay RM200 max? I might as well make a business out of it then? It is a niche market after all isn't it? Seriously, someone HAS to do something about the laws here. The serious ones get away with minimal fine and the less serious one has to go for months of religious school? You kidding me? Here's another thing for you to digest - if you abuse or accidentally killed a cat - you get a RM200 fine, but if it is a dog, you get a RM100 fine. How fair is that? And to think which multiply faster?

Here's a quote from Datuk Haji Mohd Radzuan Malik statement;
"What is perceived to be cruel in the eyes of the public is not necessary so in the eyes of the law"

This is just one of the many examples of the rather imbalance country we live in.
BOTTOM LINE is.....the country just need to get their priorities right!

And the politicians keep wondering why the dropout rates of graduates working within the country is so high. Maybe because although under the radar, discrimination/bias is still apparent and some long battled rights are still not justified? Ever thought about it?

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